
Fish planet did not run steam
Fish planet did not run steam

fish planet did not run steam

I fished almost all times regardless and have caught unis outside of peak times. Originally posted by Micropterus:I am one of the few in the community that support the cooldown. There are several solutions that could work that would be much more player friendly, that would still stop the uni farmers without using a stupid cooldown. Wear and tear on gear, (say 5%), could also be implemented on any FF other than going straight to midnight because your net is full. It would eliminate the guys keeping a dozen uni chins, and FF could be free again because with the current daily cost and the limit, it wouldn't be nearly as lucrative to abuse. I'd say a keep limit, (2 uni max), per day would work just fine and could simply be added to the advanced license description along with a hefty fine for violations. I've caught a few uni on my secondary in LA since patch, and all have actually been out of the standard window, so they are more random now.

fish planet did not run steam

Would it not be better just to make Uni random instead of a set time? They would feel better than setting limits on game play. People FFing to grind unis only for a small peak period each day is why. Even though even with that info, I don't think they really enjoy losing freedom for very little gameplay reason. I think they might have panic when they saw that. So to a certain level that money will be more than what you pay in repairs for your gear. Also, while fishing for xp you will gain levels that pays you money (1500/level). Even though your net is full you will still gain xp when catching a fish, even if you release it. You also dont need to release fishes to be able to continue fishing. They talked about doing that is a waste of money because of the repairs and using line up just for xp.) You dont need to wait until the end of the day, the cooldown is never longer than ~1.30h (and then it will still take time to fill the net after just using the fast forward). (Even though I tell them they can release them and just fish for xp. This make it really hard to spread the word about the gamee when they have to wait until the end of the day just to go to next day with a net full of fish.

fish planet did not run steam

Saying if they wanted a facebook game they would be playing one. My wife and friend quit the game because of it. I think this change hurts them more than helps. Originally posted by Frostall:Why? - Money.

Fish planet did not run steam